• News
  • 16 August, 2011

@RootzWiki Opens the Panic Room, Get All Your Android Issues Solved Fast

Have you ever been in one of those situations where you go, “Oh crap, what did I just do? Why is it bootlooping?” Then spent countless hours looking for a solution on various websites and stressing out that your wife is going to kill you for breaking your phone. To top that off, you might ask for assistance to only get flamed and made fun of for not being able to solve it your self. I have been there a few time, it’s not a good feeling.

Thanks to RootzWiki, you now have a safe and friendly place to ask those questions that might be important for you to get an answer too.  They have launched the Panic Room.

We would like to introduce the new place to get urgent help, the Panic Room. We are going to keep it manufacturer specific that way internationally we keep you covered. It isn’t intended to be a tech support, but a way to teach the new users in peril how to get them selves out of bad situations. With that being said here are the ground rules:

Rules of using the Panic Room:
At RootzWiki we are not tech support, but we do have some very helpful users, that being said here is some ground rules to follow:

1. We do not support stealing, sharing or altering paid apps in a criminal way i.e. bypassing terms of service with your carrier or avoiding payment of paid software.

2. A [SOLVED] tag to be added after solving an issue i.e. bricked devices, bootloops etc. of the nature.

3. Flaming, if a user has a question that may seem of urgency to them but not to you, help them, do not trash talk or degrade them, not everyone is as experienced as the other person.

4. Moderation is high here, we have to make sure the correct steps are taken to fix problems.

5. Have fun and lets make Android users more knowledgeable, it would be nice to have everyone a power user.


RootzWiki Senior Mod

This is quite possibly, the single greatest idea for a forum site ever. Not to mention that the Rootz team are extremely talented and have a HUGE following of some of the greatest devs around. So if you have ever been in one of those “OH $#!^” situations, head straight to the panic room, but don’t panic, help is waiting.

Source: RootzWiki