
[App] Last Call Widget – Makes missed calls easier to See

I went on a widget bender last night and found quite a few really great widgets that many people might like to get their hands on. Last Call Widget by Mark Brady was one of those installed widgets. It is a very simple but very useful widget. It will display the last missed call on the widget located on your screen. That saves you the extra step of opening your dialer and going to the call log.

This widget has various colored backgrounds to choose from, including ‘invisible’, which is just transparent. You can alter the text color, show incoming, outgoing , missed or SMS. The SMS feature doesn’t display the text on the screen, just who the last SMS was from. You can also enable or disable the quick dial feature. Tapping on the widget its self will launch your call log for you. All in all it is a pretty useful little widget to have on your screen. Feel free to snag it below –

Application: Last Call Widget
Developer: Mark Brady
Cost: FREE