
Verizon to compete with Netflix, planning new streaming video service

Verizon Wireless

Verizon is attempting to venture into the world of streaming video and take on the likes of other major companies like Netflix and Hulu. Word has it that Big Red is in talks with programming partners to offer content for streaming service that it could offer to customers not covered by its high-speed FiOS network. Right now, there aren’t a ton of details, and there hasn’t been a peep about when we can expect to see the service launch, but you can bet dollars to dimes that the competition will be keeping their eyes and ears on this development.

If Verizon truly does launch this service, I wonder how it will fare. With so many decent options already available, it’s going to take some enticing for people to switch from a service they’re already accustomed to. Price is also a concern — how much will these videos run, on average? I guess we’ll have to wait for something solid til we can think that far ahead.

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Source: Reuters