• News
  • 25 April, 2012

T-Mobile drops HTC One S contest, 82 device up for grabs, cold hard cash and other Prizes

It has been no secret that HTC and T-Mobile have officially launched the HTC One S today. T-Mobile deal days are out offering trade in value on your old smartphone, huge HTC ad campaigns have begun hitting websites all over the place and now T-Mobile has launched a Facebook sweepstakes. Boy do I love sweepstakes. Not as good as Angus stakes, but I’ll live with it. To help nudge the One S to super stardom on the magenta network, they are hosting a sweepstakes over the next 4 weeks. Up for grabs are one of 82 HTC One S devices, that’s roughly three devices a day.  A $1000 cash and a variety of other prizes. I of course submitted my entry for the day and ended up with a 30% off accessories coupon code. Maybe one of our readers will be a bit luckier than I was.

Entering is as simple as hitting up T-Mobile’s Facebook page and clicking the ‘sweepstakes’ box. Fill in your information and hit submit. For your best chance to win you will want to swing in every day and enter. You never know if you could win. If you do and don’t want it, I have a nice stand waiting here for it to sit on. :O)


Thanks for the tip Mike