
Gamevil disappoints with new Legend of Master III RPG, blocks root Users

After a long day writing and a long evening fixing up a fence for my mother in-laws goats, I just wanted to sit and try out some new games or apps. Something to help me relax and get addicted too. I opened the Play Store and started cruising around for a bit. I came across a couple interesting games and apps that were free, but when I saw Gamevil‘s Legend of Master III I knew I had to give it a shot. Mostly just because I was a huge addict to the Zenonia series.

The games description sounded great. Offering up 6 different classes, good-looking graphics and dungeon missions. The screen shots provided looked pretty intense, so I hit the magical install button. Knowing that the game would be a freemium style game where I would probably need to hack and slash for days to get new stuff and progress without spending money, or drop a little cash for new stuff. Didn’t bother me much.

Looks pretty slick doesn’t it. At least in my eyes it looks good enough to try out and see how she plays out and if the story line is good. While the game downloaded and installed I grabbed a beer and some headphones. I thought I was ready to play. I launch the game and it asks for Root permissions and then I am greeted with this lovely screen.

Isn’t that lovely? So off to the Play Store I went to see what the deal was. Apparently in the most recent update they added in some anti-hacking adjustments that blocks rooted devices from being able to play the game. Seems fans of Gamevil are not happy nor amused at this move at it seriously effecting the games star rating and customer support.

Obviously they feel that root users are a bunch of crafty thieves and will cost them money. Not having been able to check the game out, I can only speculate that there might be ads in the game to make profits. As a fellow root users I know that there are apps that can block those. I choose not to use them out of respect for developers that provide apps and games for free that have ads as there revenue source. If they blocked root users out of fear of piracy, that is a silly thing to do in the first place. A person doesn’t need root to side load an app, and with the exception of some devices with out access to the Play Store, pirating an already free app is lunacy. What other potential reasons could their be? A hacked APK that triggers more in-game currency?? That wouldn’t be root specific. I am certain some crafty developer out there will go snag the app and pull out what ever blocks root and offer up the APK to the masses. So if piracy was their concern, they just made piracy the only way to play.

We reached out to Gamevil to see if we can get a comment and answer as to why it has been blocked. So far we have yet to hear back from them. I will update this post once I get a response. Until then, if you have the game installed and have yet to install the update from the 1st, you might want to skip it if you are rooted. If you are stock and wanna give the game a go, feel free to download it by clicking or scanning the QR code below.

Feel free to leave your thoughts or potential reasoning in the comments below as well.

Application: Legend of Master III
Developer: GAMEVIL Inc.
Cost: FREE