JustAnotherCrowd is back and releasing like crazy. 3 releases of his new xROM in the last day. His latest xROM is still in beta but now in its third release. This latest release for the HTC Dream / T-Mobile G1 / T-Mobile MyTouch3G is based on the Android 2.0.1 (Eclair) AOSP with a few of JACs usual enhancements.
-G1/MT3G support
-2.01 AOSP Source with tons of enhanments by Cyanogen and JAC
-5 Screen Launcher.apk
-Modded Settings.apk with Ext partition info
-A2SD support for ext2/3/4 partitions with noatime etc
-safe boot and shutdown eg. checks for fs corruption
-Modified APN list
-Reboot option from the power button
-Amazon MP3
-FLAC support
-VM tweaks
-Tether support for USB and WiFi
-TCP optimizations
-Tons of etra modules CIFS AUFS etc
-ZipAligned and Png opt
-RIL tweaks
-Commandline extras: powertop etc
-lock home app in memory control from spareparts.apk
-Compcache control from spareparts.apk
-WifiTether for Eclair included
- kernel compiled for Eclair
-Modified RAMdisk for Eclair with trigger support for init.rc etc
-ext2/3/4 FS support
-Squashfs 4.0 and AUFS support
-CPU scaling and freq tweaks
-Deadline I/O fifo=1
Compcache modules compiled with the latest source
-many more tweaks for speed and stability
Known Issues
like all other eclair ROM’s currently
Head over to JustAnotherCrowd’s AndroidStory Devleoper Homepage for more information and direct downloads.