
13MP camera module spotted in the wild, potential Samsung Galaxy S IV Addition

Hey, look another thing we can toss in the rumor box for now. A 13MP camera module diagram was spotted by Korean Media. It lists a 13 MP camera module with a resolution of 4208×3120 and sizing up at 8.5(L) x 8.5(W) x 5.9(H). They say it was the camera that they had intended to use in the Galaxy S III and /or the Note II, but it didn’t end up in either obviously.

While a 13MP camera isn’t something ground breaking at the moment, it does only make sense that they next Galaxy S device move past the 8MP range. If LG can do it, then why can’t Samsung. I’m think a quad-core toting, LTE supporting S IV with 2 GB of RAM, a 13 MP camera and around the 4.8-inch screen size sounds about right. Again, something else to keep an eye on and see if this does make it into the next flagship device or not. There is a slim chance it could be headed into the next Nexus device, but we doubt it.

Source: Samsung-Updates