
300+ fonts for your Galaxy Note and other Devices

If you have been following us for any amount of time, then you know we like to dig things up from the depths of the forums from around the web for you all to see. Some of the greatest things you can do to your phone are themes, icons and MOD’s. While all of that is just fine and dandy, there is one other area that many people overlook that can add that ‘something extra’ to your device that many people don’t even notice or know about. The font. Yes the font that displays all your writing on the screen can be changed and altered at your leisure. Generally there are a couple of fonts included inside your device to choose from. One of the most popular one came about with ICS and was called Roboto. We covered that one back when it hit and everyone loved it. It only offered a crisper, cleaner type of text. What about some of the more interesting ones or the more fancy. They do exist and getting your hands on them is pretty easy, thanks to XDA member BLOWNCO. He took the time to search the web and compile all the various fonts he could find into one easy to download zip file. Alternatively you can pick up each one separately, but why not just get em all in one quick download?

No matter which route you take, installing them is a breeze as they are all individual apk files. Just toss them on your devices memory card, click the font apk you want and hit install. It really is that simple. Now all you have to do is set the font you want to use. To do that head to Menu > Settings > Display > Screen Display > Font Style and click the one you want. You get a nice little preview of the font for the font name. Pretty awesome right.

We found this in the Samsung Galaxy Note section of XDA, but we know they will work on almost all Samsung devices and probably many other devices out there. What do you have to lose in giving it a try?

Head over to BLOWNCO’s XDA thread to pick up the downloads and even take a look through the screenshots he provides of the fonts as they look in alphabetical order. Enjoy.