
The 32GB Nexus 10 is out of stock on the U.S. Play Store; cue Nexus 10 refresh Rumours

32gb nexus 10 is out of stockIt seems like at the very mention of any activity regarding the Nexus 10, a whole slew of rumours begin with trigger-happy fans and writers, myself included, excitedly trying to predict when Google will replace its aging Nexus 10 tablet. Well, there is about to be more fuel added to the flames as the 32GB Nexus 10 is out of stock on the U.S. Play Store (note that it will probably still be in stock in Play Stores around the world). The 32GB Nexus 10 now joins its 16GB counterpart in the ‘out of stock’ category on the U.S. Store which for some would appear to imply a new version of the tablet is nigh.

Unfortunately, there’s little to suggest that the inventory of the Nexus 10 has anything to do with future product release; while you might argue that the Nexus 4 going out of stock heralded the release of the Nexus 5, we had heard a fair amount about the Nexus 5 through unintentional (or intentional) leaks leading up to the release. That’s not to say that this isn’t an indication though, as we could be savouring a new Nexus 10 in a few weeks’ time, but it pays to be cautious.

I guess we’ll just have to be stuck with waiting till Google decides to ‘accidentally’ drop some video of the new Nexus 10. Who thinks the 32GB Nexus 10 going out of stock is an indication of things to come? Let us know what you think.

Source: Google Play via Android Police