
3D Google Maps 5.0 Goes Live

The much anticipated update for Google maps has just become available in the market. I know when I first saw the newest changes I think I started to drool. The latest update is a major one. A few of the latest features include:

  • Tilting: Drag down with two fingers to tilt the map. Tilt while zoomed in on one of the100+ cities around the world with 3D buildings to see a skyline spring to life.
  • Rotating: Twist with two fingers to rotate the map. After tilting to see 3D buildings, rotate around them to gain a new perspective from any direction.
  • Smooth zooming: Slide two fingers together or apart, and see the map and labels continuously scale to any zoom level, stopping when your fingers stop.
  • Compass mode: Center the map on your location, and then tap the compass button in the top right corner. The map will flip into 3D mode and start rotating to match your perspective, while still keeping all the labels upright and readable.

Not to mention offline support finally. That is one feature that I have been dying to get. Google has been working to allow the maps to cache the locations you visit the most. From the blog it looks like, they have even tried to make it painless by allowing it to do so while it is charging and connected to Wi-Fi.

Over the next few weeks keep your eyes open for more updates to the Google Maps Navigation feature as well. We have all run into times where we lose that all important data connection and miss a turn with no guidance for rerouting. You will still need a connection to get started of course, but once you are on the move the system will be able to reroute you without further data service.

I can’t wait to start playing around with this latest update from our Google buddies. Head on into the market and get your update now. As usual this is a major update so expect some issues getting the download at this moment. It might take a time or two to get the update through to your phone.

UPDATE: Seems as though there are a few limitations to the update that definitely should have been made available at the time of this post.

Android 1.6+ devices can get Maps 5.0, but 3D and offline features require Android 2.0+, and some features may not be supported for all devices or countries. Here is the list that Google offers for current phone support.

Full support on the following devices:

  • Samsung Nexus S
  • Samsung Galaxy S
  • Motorola Droid
  • Motorola Droid 2
  • Motorola Droid X
  • HTC Incredible
  • HTC EVO 4G
  • HTC G2

Partial support on:

  • HTC Desire
  • Sony Ericsson X10
  • LG Ally
  • HTC Nexus One


  • Rotating gestures require Android OS 2.2 or later.
  • This list of devices may be incomplete and may change in the future as new Android phones are available for purchase

Let us know what device you are using if it is not in the list and what options are not available for you. Then we can try to make a more complete list for everyone.

Source: Google Blog