
5 Reasons Android Will Win Mobile Wars

PCWorld wrote a nice article defining “Why Android Will Win the Mobile Platform War.”

“When it comes to the future, there are three kinds of people: those who let it happen, those who make it happen, and those who wonder what happened.” quote by John M. Richardson, Jr.

The same rings true in the cell industry. Android’s definitely in the “ones that make it happen” category. I’ll let you place the others where you wish.

1. Flexibility – An open platform based around Linux, another open platform, leaves the future wide open for development. Users have more freedom to do what they wish with their OS and device. Manufacturers also gain the freedom to create the specialized customizations and UI’s they want for their consumers, which helps create signature devices that are still user customizable.

2. Strength in Numbers – With the competitors there is only ONE device. With Android becoming so popular so quickly, the manufacturers are building more devices. With LG scheduled to put out 20 Android phones by the end of the year, there is no shortage of choices available.

3. DIY tools – With App Inventor launching and now sending out acceptance e-mails, Google has helped put the power in the users’ hands. I have no doubt it will create some junk apps. I have even made a few pointless apps myself. What it will do, though, is allow the average consumer a glimpse into how apps are built and inspire new developers to start creating.

4.  Focus on Users – Android is more dedicated to the success of the platform and support than its main competitor. With the “Antennagate” debacle, it took Apple a long time to even acknowledge there was an issue. Android will have its hiccups every now and again. Between the carriers, Google and the community issues are resolved rather quickly. You never feel alone in a problem or that no one cares about you.

5. The Google Factor – If you weren’t aware, there are other Linux based mobile operating systems available such as Intel’s Meego and Samsung’s Bada. But with backing and support from a giant like Google, Android is moving forward incredibly fast.

It’s a pretty good list of reasons, I think.

I could sit here all day long and argue why Android is the best, but most of you already know that. The numbers don’t lie so instead of opinions and feelings, let’s see how the data plays out.  Market researcher ABI predicts Linux-based devices will make up 33% of the market by 2015. Google gained 4 points between February and May, while Apple lost 1. NPD found that RIM maintained the lead with 36 percent market share for the quarter, with Android coming in at 28 percent, and iPhone OS in third at 21 percent. This was reported back in May. With 100,000 Android devices shipping daily, we are giving Apple something to start worrying about. Things keep looking up for Android. Look out Steve, with jailbreaking legal, things could change very swiftly.

Long live the revolution!

Source: PCWorld, Talkandroid and Engadget