
5 Top Android Apps You Need For Summer

Summer is upon us and while we may not be spending as much time inside on computers this season, we will surely be on our smart-phones and tablets much more to make up for it. So that leads to the following question – which Android apps are a must this summer? Below you will find our top five picks for the upcoming season.


1. Pandora

Pandora is a free app that allows you to listen to music wherever your summer may take you. This app lets you create your own personal radio station based on common songs, artists, albums, and genres you prefer. Listen to big hit songs along with unique versions of classics and hidden gems not played on the radio by your favorite artists. The best feature is if you don’t like a particular song you can skip it and it will never be played again. Although Pandora does have limited commercials, they are very short and few in number, allowing for more music than you would get from your car radio. Whether you use it for a road trip, working outside on a house project, or just hanging out with friends, this Android app is a must-have this summer. After all, who doesn’t like free music?


2. Shazam

The second Android app on our list is the identification service Shazam. This app is perfect for when you hear a song playing and you want to know the name of it or who the artist is. Just turn on Shazam for a brief period of the music and it will send your results back in seconds. This clever app will show you the name of the song, artist, album, genre, and show the album cover. It will also bring up the music video of the song on YouTube along with giving you a chance to purchase and download it to your mobile device.


3. Barcode Scanner

With over a quarter million downloads, Barcode Scanner is one of the most popular apps on the Android market. Barcode Scanner is a free app that is exactly what it sounds like -just pick up a product and scan the bar code with your phone or tablet’s camera and instantly see the price of the product in all nearby stores. Be sure to have this app handy when looking for the best price on summer needs like air conditioners and ceiling fans.


4. Crossfit Travel

Crossfit Travel is an application that provides over 120 different workouts for people on the go. The workouts are simple body-weight exercises that can be done almost anywhere. The app includes a stopwatch to let you time your workouts along with a way to upload your workout schedules and accomplishments on social networks like Facebook and Twitter. For only $1.99, this app will keep you in shape all summer long no matter where you go.


5. Kindle

The last of our top 5 Android apps allows you to have thousands of books, magazines, and newspapers at the tips of your fingers within a few seconds. Kindle is free to download and offers low prices on all your favorite reading material. It can bookmark multiple pages in different novels and has the largest library of e-books in the world. This is truly the perfect app for any bookworm.


By: Mike Barbre

MIKE BARBRE is a social media professional and technology enthusiast. When he’s not using Intermedia’s Exchange Hosting, he can be found following Intermedia on Twitter and as a fan of Intermedia on Facebook.