
50% off sale on Metal Slug series, Samurai Shodown II and Others

SNK PLAYMORE games on sale
SNK PLAYMORE is having a huge end-of-year sale on their line up of classic SNK games. I know you remember those back in the day when multiple games on one arcade machine was the thing to do. I know I spent countless hours playing Samurai Showdown and Metal Slug myself growing up. The full set of games released by SNK PLAYMORE is currently 50% for a limited time and well worth the memories and the play time that their purchases will generate. Here is the complete list.

Samurai Shodown II – was $3.99, now $1.99

The King of Fighters ’97 - was $3.99, now $1.99

The King of Fighters-A 2012 - was $6.99, now $3.99

Metal Slug - was $3.99, now $1.99

Metal Slug 2 - was $3.99, now $1.99

Metal Slug 3 - was $3.99, now $1.99

Metal Slug X - was $3.99, now $1.99

Blazing Star - was $3.99, now $1.99

You can also just hit the developer page to have them all in front of you.

Go get your gaming on.