• News
  • 17 August, 2010

55 Million Android Units to Ship in 2010

There is no denying the success and growth of Android in 2010 so far, so how about all of 2010? According to research conducted by Digitimes, they’re reporting that smartphone shipments for 2010 will top 280 million unit worldwide, which is a 57% growth from last year. Where does Android stand, you ask? According to Luke Lin, analyst of Digitimes Research, Android will experience the strongest growth from their Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics manufacturers, who make up the world’s 2nd and 3rd largest handset makers.

Android’s share of the worldwide smartphone market has risen from less than 5% in 2009 to 13.8% in the first half of 2010 and is projected to reach 24.5% in the second half to become the second most popular smartphone platform, according to Lin. Shipments of Android-based smartphones are estimated to jump 561% from a year ago to more than 55 million units in 2010.

While the battle of OS’s continue, smartphone sales will only continue to grow. One thing is for sure, Android is definitely taking over as the OS of choice.

Source: Digitimes

How many new Android OS users do we have that contributed to this number this year?