
Gmail Updating to V4.8, Brings Avatar Account Switching and More [APK Download]

Google is pushing out an update for Gmail this evening. The update moves the app from V4.7.2 to v4.8. That is pretty hefty jump in version number and it certainly bring a number of great changes. Among the changes you will see a number of visual alterations that help move GMail more inline with the looks of the other suit of Google apps. For instance, you now have the richer avatar account look in the left slider. No more little radio button dots to change accounts.

Gmail v4.8 Gmail v4.8
You will also notice that the animation when you pull down to refresh is not clue, but instead the yellow, red, green and blue that you are familiar with in G+ and other apps.

Gmail v4.8 a Gmail v4.8 a
You will also be greeted with a new ‘no conversations’ page that has a sad cloud on it. Google also shifted the Settings, Help and Feedback buttons to the slider at the bottom.

A few other note worthy changes include visually being able to an entire truncated message instead of only part of it and you can directly print an attachment or send it to your Drive account.

All-in-all, a pretty good update and one that was long over due. You can kick back and wait for the typical staged rollout to hit your device, or you can hit the link below to download the APK now and get it up and running.

GMail v4.8 APK Download

Source: AndroidPolice