
A Droid RAZR a day to be given away from Verizon

When a new device is launched, the carriers or the manufacturers usually do a whole slew of give-a-ways to help get the word out about the device. It seems to be a much more cost-effective advertising campaign and gets more interest in the device. When a new device as hot as the Droid RAZR launches so close to the holiday season though, we usually see extra pushes from all over the place with a chance to win one for FREE.

If you are on a mission to win anything you can this holiday season, then you will want to take advantage of this offer as well. Simply fill out the entry form and share the message from Motorola and Verizon on Facebook and/or Twitter. Don’t forget the hash tag #30DaysofRAZR. Pretty straight forward chance to win a hot new device for the holidays. Good luck to everyone, I hope those that need it or deserve it win one.

The catch? After filling in my entry form and sharing it, I discovered it is a daily drawing. So you will want to bookmark the site and enter everyday if you really want to win one.

Source: Verizon