
A new Dropbox beta app is available, adds photo improvements and a opt in for direct beta Builds

If you guys have been around us for a while, you know we love Dropbox. I personally don’t think I could live without it in my life. Heck, I don’t know how I lived without it before it was around. Anyways, the Dropbox team has released a new experimental beta build of the Android application for people to test their luck with. The new beta packs in a few features that we are certain many of you will greatly appreciate and enjoy. Check em out –

What’s new:
– Effortlessly share several of your beautiful photos at once
– Organize your favorite photos into albums. You can share them too!
– Delete multiple photos at once
– UI improvements and updates throughout
– Lots of other little tweaks and bug fixes

Not sure what took so long to get around to sharing multiple pictures and deleting multiple pictures, but we are glad it is here. Another big change is a new ‘opt-in’ feature that lets you gain access to early release builds like this one, without having to visit the forums or wait for us to catch one. That right there is going to be sweet.  If you want to give the new beta build a shot, just click or scan the QR code down below. Be sure to head over to the Dropbox forums to provide any feed back on the changes as well.


Dropbox Beta