• News
  • 17 October, 2011

A peek inside what Ice Cream Sandwich Gmail, Email and Calendar Widgets look Like

This little nugget of visual eyegasm happened to land on the web on Saturday. The continued leaked looks at some of what Ice Cream Sandwich will be bringing with it has been a hugely popular topic for conversation, as well it should. The whole ICS OS is shaping up to be the most anticipated OS updates to land on Android ever. None of us can get enough of what is sure to be one heck of a launch.

The guys over at AndroidPolice have managed to get everyone yet another little look into what will be different. The three various widgets have been compared directly to the available widgets available on Honeycomb. If you don’t happen to have a tablet, than you will think that the side by sides both look pretty great. The perk behind ICS is that it will be a cross device OS. Bringing tablets and handsets to one single platform. What you see is what will eventually be the norm across all Android devices. (Except for all the ones that don’t get an update)

First up is a look at the Gmail widget.

Personally coming from a Gingerbread handset, this looks pretty awesome to me. I would take either one. You can see the widget on the left has various labels attached to various emails. The image on the right isn’t showing any type of label coloring. That doesn’t mean that labels won’t be available on the widget, it just means that the ICS version may not have had any labels set up.

Next up is a look at what the Email widget will look like. Yes, some people use other emails on their device too.

Nothing major with this one. A few changes in color on the header and nifty blue that ties it into the OS. you can see the ‘compose’ email icon has been slightly increased in size and the email count has been slightly reduced in size. The whole top banner looks much cleaner in my opinion.

Finally, we have a look at what the Calendar widget will look like.

The header is given a nice 3D box that makes it really pop of the screen. You can see the Day, Month and date are revamped entirely as well. One thing that seems to be missing is the ‘Add New’ button that you can see is present on Honeycomb. I am sure simply taping on the date will either launch your calendar or allow you to add a new entry.

What do you guys think? Are you excited to see better integration of Gmail widget support? I know this should be huge for handsets that are currently lacking a good alternative app to provide a Gmail widget. Ever since Google made a few updates to the Gmail app, many of the ones we loved don’t work any more.

Source: AndroidPolice