
A second Android-powered BlackBerry smartphone could be on the cards in 2016

If BlackBerry is to survive in the smartphone hardware space, it’s clear some things have to change and the release of the BlackBerry Priv was a good first step. While we still don’t really know how well it’s done for the Canadian manufacturer, BlackBerry CEO John Chen has hinted in an interview with Bloomberg that if the Priv does well, that could mean a second Android-powered BlackBerry smartphone would be released in 2016. This device is said to carry the codename “Vienna”, following the theme set by the Priv which was codenamed “Venice”.

Naturally, Chen is still keeping his cards close to his chest so didn’t give us any more detail. A second Android-powered BlackBerry smartphone does seem pretty likely, however, as the Priv is yet to complete its global release, and presumably this will result in even more sales. Of course, only time will tell whether BlackBerry’s gamble to join the Android mainstream has paid off, especially with its claims of privacy and premium pricing – perhaps a lower cost model would be able to help it break into the other sectors of the market.

What do you think about a second Android-powered BlackBerry smartphone? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Bloomberg via TalkAndroid