
Acer planning $299 phablet device, could make an appearance in June

Acer does make some pretty good hardware. They are mostly known for their netbooks, laptops, desktops, Iconia tablets and their more recent Acer C7 Chromebook. however they have produced a fair amount of Android powered devices over the last few years. Like their Acer CloudMobile device which won an outstanding design achievement award in early 2012. While you might not see them pushing a Superbowl ad any time soon, they are still out there producing great equipment at some fairly affordable prices.

Acer is looking to ramp up their Android offerings over the course of 2013. With the Iconia B1 tablet being one of them. We should see some pretty good-looking devices with fair specs becoming available at prices anyone could swing. The slightly more surprising information about Acer isn’t that they are planning some more budget friendly hardware, but more so that we should see a new phablet style device like Samsung has been doing for a while withe Note line.

Jim Wong, the Corporate President of Acer announced some pretty compelling statistics. He seems to think that the phablet market is going to grow by about 10 million units over the course of 2013, which is an approximate 25% increase over the last year.

With a statement like that it is hard to think that Acer is going to get in to the near tablet sized phone space very soon. While most larger screened phones with tablet style offerings see price tags in four hundred range and up, Acer is looking to pull one to market that will hit at around $299. Which really ins’t a terrible price, especially considering that price tag should be for an unlocked device with no carrier attachment. At least that is how I see them working it.

Via AndroidHeadlines