
Active Display and Quick Camera demoed on upcoming Motorola DROID line of Devices

Motorola DROID MAXX, Ultra Mini Google Now
Our friends over at Droid-Life got some hands on time with the new DROID Ultra, MAXX and Mini very recently and were walked through a variety of things the new devices will do. One such feature is using ‘Active Display’, which will pulsate your screen for notifications. Then there is a hands free operation, think Google Glass, by saying “OK Google Now” you can easily accomplish hands free tasks on the device. In the demo the rep shows how he says “OK Google Now, Call my DROID” and the phone starts flashing and ringing. This will be great if you misplace your phone often. Obviously it has plenty more real world functions.

They also demo the new quick camera. A simple double flick of the wrist while in portrait mode lets you open the camera. Tap anywhere on the screen to take a photo quickly and if you press and hold, it will take a burst shot. Kinda cool really. Take a look at the short video of the features below.


What do you think? Is Motorola on the right track in their personal software development? Mix these features in with a more stock Android approach, they could do some good in the world this year. Too bad they make mention of Verizon. No matter what Motorola does to their devices, if they can’t get global and multi-carrier, they are going to never be able to compete on the same field as Samsung or even HTC.

Source: Droid-Life