• News
  • 23 June, 2010

Adobe Flash 10.1 beta released to Android Market

On the heels of the big Droid X and Froyo release announcements, Adobe quietly released their Flash 10.1 beta app to Android Market.

Adobe Flash Player 10.1 beta 3 for Android (2.2) FroYo now available
The Adobe Flash Player 10.1 beta 3 for Android 2.2 is now available for download on Android Market for the Google Nexus One and other devices that support Android 2.2. Flash Player 10.1 beta 3 for Android enables your device to access the full web – which includes all your favorite videos, games, interactive media and web applications.

Unfortunately, you can only see this app in the market if you’re running Android 2.2, currently only available on select Nexus One phones. If you have a HTC device and don’t want to wait for whenever 2.2 may come your way, there is a some good news from Cyanogen and friends. They’re already hard at work on CyanogenMod 6 with the goal of bringing the ROM to the masses; namely the G1, Magic, Desire, Droid, Evo, Hero, Nexus One, and myTouch Slide. I wouldn’t expect flash on the G1, but it’s a real possibility for the newer phones.

Source: AdobeLabs