
Airsync + doubleTwist = wireless iTunes syncing for Android

The guys over at Engadget just let me in on a little secret, Android now has another app that supports wireless sync with your computer. You may remember my excitement over this feature being available in the WinAmp for Android app in my review not too long ago, so I am equally excited to see it pop up in one of our favorite apps. doubleTwist, for those living under a rock, started out as a desktop app for Windows and Mac machines that allowed you to not only sync media and playlists to your Android device, but also sync iTunes.

Airsync is available right now for the first 10,000 buyers for $0.99 and after that the price goes up to $4.99.  When I purchased it there were less than 50 downloads.  Setup seems pretty simple so far and you are only required to enter a pin on your computer that matches an auto generated one on your device. I was able to sync an entire album over took almost 1o minutes even with my wireless N connection.

iTunes users will love this new update in a world that is becoming a world without wires more every day and I would say it is definitely worth it at only $0.99. So head over to the market and search for Airsync to get in on the discounted rate. You can be sure we’ll post up a full review once we’ve had more time to heavily play with this new feature and sound off in the comments if you’ve tried it out with your thoughts.

Click or Scan the QRCode below to find out more information about the doubleTwist Airsync application.

Summary and Downloads:

Application: doubleTwist Airsync
Developer: doubleTwist
Cost: $0.99 (for the first 10,000 purchases)

Source: Engadget