They are expected to bring their latest OT-915 to MWC and thanks to some work by Ben, it is confirmed for a UK launch. The OT is not aimed at high-end Android users, but rather the text junkie that wants a little more. Sporting a QWERTY keyboard just below a 2.8-inch touch screen. It has a Blackberry /Palm Pixie look to it. It will be running with a slightly skinned version of Android 2.3 and have a standard 5MP camera. It definitely is not Nexus, but there is a market for budget devices overseas.
Alcatel has yet to release a launch date or price just yet but confirmations put the device to market this year. Their previous models, the OT-980 and OT-990 sold for just under £100. With lower end specs, we expect this little guy to sell for a similar price tag.
Source: Electricpig
Thanks Ben