
All a Twitter over #Android

Another weekend gone, but the gossip never ends. Speaking of never-ending, I doubt the Android/iPhone comparisons will ever go away. Disappointment is another fact of life, be it the apps we want but can’t get, or not being able to be happy with what we have.  Life is full of surprises though, and we’ll all be in for a treat very soon.

pilky Martin Pilkington

You say “Android is dominating, Apple is doomed” I hear “I have no idea what profit is, nor how it relates to business”

dguyadeen Denis Guyadeen

i am very impressed with Android… i wonder how long before it overtakes the iPhone?

lgreenberg Larry Greenberg

For the first time I can remember I’m consistently seeing more Android phones when out and about than iPhones.

danhatcher Dan Hatcher

I was very excited to find out Mozilla are beta-ing a Firefox for Android. “Your system does not meet the minimum requirements” AWWWW 🙁

D4RkNIKON Josh Trolio

Android equals Awesome. So customizable.

jctrldel Jctrldel

I was wrong. Sorry Apple. All you Android people should remind yourselves that this entire mobile revolution would be NOWHERE without Apple!

mitchelsliwa mitchelsliwa

Tweet deck for android is rediculous.

Tilly85 Tillman

wife’s car broke down and android phone found location & address Much faster than BB tour would have. #SamsungEpic is a keeper#android

jackjoseph Joe Corrao

@CourtFinley88 Android hands down. Just converted my wife from iPhone to Samsung Galaxy and she loves it.

darko186 darko186

just manually upgraded my friends mytouch 3g from androidcupcake 1.6 to froyo 2.2


Wow. Facebook for Android’s notification system sucks also.

yanntanini Yann Tanini

Alt 38,002 feet, Speed 490 mph : Just set up my PC as a hotspot to share connection with Ipad and android phone. Cool but poor performances!

Ellimem Eric Smith

Hey, iPhone game developers, start making games for Android too. Would you rather build for an ever-evolving platform or a stagnant one?

thacounty McLean Riley

Why arent there any android market gift cards? That would be super.

stephanpire Stephan Pire

should I switch my shitty Sony #Xperia for a #HTC ? #Android

RyCayari Ryan Cayari

I’m glad I woke up on time by myself. Stupid iPhone daylight savings time bug. You really want me to go Android, huh?

twchad Chad Wathington

Just played with a #galaxytab in the airport. Not bad. Not an iPad in terms of polish, but I was pleasantly surprised despite hating Android

theknickermafia TheKnickermafia

Does anyone have the android iPad thinggy?

merset Justin

Bluetooth pairing to the rescue when I neglected to bring my USB cable along to transfer files from computer->Android