• News
  • 29 December, 2011

All HTC devices released after September 2011 to get unlock treatment at HTCDev.com

Many developers applauded HTC for creating a simple, fast and easy to use site for unlocking their devices. It takes the strain off them and makes life in general a little bit easier for everyone. Just today 3 more devices were added to the list with unlock options. Now HTC has made an announcement that is almost to good to be true. They will have all devices launched after September 2011 unlockable. They will work towards updating the site accordingly over the next couple of weeks. As for anything launched prior to that cut off time, it isn’t a lost cause. Many are already unlockable and HTC is working to unlock more.

Seems as though HTC is on a roll and has no plans of letting up. Personally HTC is starting to wear me down after having no desire to head back to one of their devices. We will see, maybe I will stray from my Samsung addiction and see what HTC is up to now a days. you can keep an eye on what gets unlocked over at HTCDev.com

Source: HTCDev.com