
Already?!: Googlers are already dropping the Android M name even before Android L is released

Android M

Image courtesy of Wikipedia

I’m sure many of us in the Android community are waiting with bated breath for the day that Android L - whether it be called Lemon Meringue Pie, Lion, or Lollipop – is finally released into the wild after it was announced at Google I/O earlier this year. That still hasn’t stopped some people talking about the next version of Android, though, provisionally called Android M. This all seems a bit ridiculous given that Android L isn’t even out, but Google developers have been spotted referring to a future build of Android called “M”.

android mNow, we don’t really need Google developers to tell us that the next version is going to go by a name starting with the letter M – since the very beginning, Android builds have sequentially progressed through the alphabet and M would be a logical successor to L. However it is interesting to get a bit more of an idea how Google operates, developing things effectively in parallel – this way, releases get more than just one year of development. Android M isn’t expected for at least another year, or longer, though rumours are already suggesting that it’s going to be called “Milkshake”.

What do you think about Android M already having its named dropped? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.
