
Also on sale. Cut the Rope: Experiments HD

As we get closer and closer to the holiday, more and more developers appear to be putting apps on sale. This is great for us and for you. Hopefully something will float across your screen that will prompt you to spend a buck or two. We just alerted you guys to all the great HD titles Rovio has out that are sale tight now, we have one more to add to the mix for you guys.

ZeptoLab has just dropped the price of Cut the Rope: Experiments HD for a Christmas sale. Taking it from $1.99 down to $0.99. Another buck well worth it. We are sure you have heard of this game before. It was the second installment of the hot Cut the Rope. Where you cut ropes in certain places to snag stars and feed the monster some candy. It is a pretty great casual game that works your fingers, your brain and your timing skills.  Sadly they haven’t put the original HD version of the game on sale, but that is ok, experiments is a little better anyways.


To pick it up while it is still on sale, simply click or scan the QR code down below. No reason not to load up for the holidays. We know you will need a break from the family at some point.

Application: Cut the Rope: Experiments HD 
Developer: ZeptoLab
Cost: $0.99 on sale from $1.99Â