• News
  • 16 August, 2010

Amazon UK Lists the HTC Desire HD for £415

It seems like we’re not the only anxious ones to get our hands on the HTC Desire HD/HTC Ace. Amazon UK listed this device for £415 and reported that the HTC Desire HD would be available October 1st. Does Amazon know something we don’t? The listing has since been removed, but with this mysterious HTC event scheduled for September 15th, it looks like this could squash any Windows 7 phone rumors and could back up rumors of a new Android device. With only a few minor changes, the HTC Desire HD resembles the Sprint HTC Evo 4G and we’ve heard before that the HTC Ace is supposed to be the GSM version of the Evo. Unfortunately, the listing offered no more information regarding the HTC Desire HD, but just like the Evo, rumored specs of the Desire HD include a 1GHz processor, Android 2.2, 8MP camera, and HTC’s Sense UI. It looks like mid-September will hold the answers we’re looking for.

Source: SlashGear

Anyone else excited for September 15th?