• News
  • 18 February, 2013

And the winner of the MOGA Controller is….. FILA

It took a little while for Mr. FILA to get back to us with the information needed to get his prize in order and shipped out. It certainly didn’t help that it is a long 3 day weekend for most people out there. We had every intention of sharing all his social details so that you guys could all blow up his feeds, but that just isn’t going to happen. Simply because he has none. You heard us right, this guy that goes out of his way to show up on nearly every post we put up, has ZERO social networks. That is like not having a cell phone in our mind. He is however, one heck of an Android supporter. As you can see by the image that he kindly sent over to us.

If you want to congratulate Mr. FILA on winning the Moga Controller, you will have to just drop him a comment down below. Congrats buddy, we look forward to hearing about your gaming experience once your package arrives.

For all of you who left us a comment, we greatly appreciate it. It was hard to choose just one. We enlisted d a third-party, Tony Simons from OMG!Droid to make the final choice. Stick around though, because we have some goodies to up for a give away. WE are thinking a couple of Anker battery backups next. Those could go up as soon as tomorrow.