
Android 2.3.6 update pushing out to Galaxy S II Skyrocket

I know many of you were rather irritated and disappointed that a 4G version of the phone you most likely already bought came out. I am certain that didn’t stop many of you from picking up the Galaxy S II Skyrocket anyways though. If you did it looks like there is an update waiting for you to snag. The update moves you to Android 2.3.6 and has a few bug fixes for Google Voice Search. We are sure there is more inside the update pertaining to under the hood performance but nothing was released saying what it was.

You can head into Menu>Settings>Software update>Check for updates to see if you have the update waiting for you.

If you have seen the answer as to what else is added or changed , or happen to be a super genius, please let us know in the comments below.

Source: Androidcentral