• News
  • 14 November, 2009

Android 2.0 (Eclair) Now running on the G1

So there has been lots of activity in the Android community tonight about google’s release of Android 2.0 to AOSP.  Twitter has seen tweets and screens, mainly from Cyanogen who’s been hard at work deciphering, configuring and installing the new source.

I guess his time ran out tonight and he’s heading for some sleep but he had long enough to get it fully running on his G1.
Let’s see who else can give us something to drool over.

Stay tuned for more….


Cyanogen tweets:

“Yeah so I pretty much have a fully working Eclair on my G1 right now”

“It runs really well, fast and smooth. Audio and video not working yet though”


and a couple of screen shots: