
Android 3.0 Honeycomb SDK Preview Ports – Android 3.0 On Phones

And they said we wouldn’t get Honeycomb on our phones. The team at T3HH4XXOR has preview ports for the Incredible, Desire HD, and Evo. On top of that they say “If you are interested, I would be more than happy to port to your device for you, just drop me a line.”.  While the ports are purely for novelty, you can get an idea of what Honeycomb is going to look like. Most of the basic things don’t work, orientation issues, data, audio, radio etc.. [Thanks, Ali]

You can download the preview ports for the downloads listed above below:

They also have videos of Honeycomb running on these devices:

Desire HD


Droid Incredible

[Just like every other modification we post about. We do not take responsibility for any damage done to your phone by flashing any of these ports. Flash at your own risk if you’re not sure about it, don’t do it. ]