
Android 4.2.2 Update Starting To Get Pushed To Sony Xperia Tablet Z Now

xperia z tabletJust like Sony promised, it has continued to push Android 4.2 to its remaining recent Xperia devices, just a week ago updating the Xperia ZR, and now updating its Xperia Tablet Z to Android 4.2.2. If you have the Tablet Z with model number SGP321, you should be seeing the update right about now, or at least, very soon. This of course is the LTE version of the tablet, with the Wi-Fi version not yet seeing the update yet, but if you have one and you get the update, we’d love to hear from you.

Looks like Sony is making good on its promises so far, we wonder if it can keep this up till it updates most of its devices to Android 4.3. What do you think about Sony’s efforts?

Source: Xperia Blog