
Android 4.2 OTA Update Rolling Out to Nexus 4 and Nexus 10. Brings Added Features

Happy Nexus eve everyone! The Nexus 4 and Nexus 10 are just hours away from being released to the public, and Google has wasted no time on getting some added Android 4.2 features to go with these flagship devices. These updates were confirmed by the boys over at Android Police, who went inside their “Check updates” menu and sure enough, delicious treats were waiting.

The two major added features with this update, are the multiple user accounts on the Nexus 10, and the lockscreen widgets on both the Nexus 4 and the 10. The lockscreen widgets is what I am most looking forward in Android 4.2, because as you know, I am a huge widget head. More widgets, the more I am happy. Take a look at the screen shots below to see the beautiful added features.

So pretty. So who is getting a new Nexus device tonight/tomorrow? Let us know how it is, since Santa Android does not seem to making his way over to our side of the community. No, I am sure one of will get our hands on one of those sexy devices, and we will be sure to do a full on review.

Android Police