
Android 4.3 and Android 4.2.2 Go Head to Head in New Video


Android 4.3 has finally been officially announced, and even though we all get excited when new versions of Android hit the community we still ask ourselves; just how different is this version? Android 4.3 is pretty much just one increment up from Android 4.2.2, and with early videos showing off some of the features 4.3 has, there really is not much of a difference when it comes to on the surface features.

Android 4.3 has been polished to a lovely shine, and this is shown off in the video below. A comparison of Android 4.3 and Android 4.2.2 is shown off, and you can tell that 4.3 is a little more snappier. Even Android users that I have talked to who were lucky enough to test Android 4.3 on either their Galaxy S4, or Nexus 4, said that they felt a smoother and quicker experience. So check out the video for yourself, and let us know what you think about it.