
Android 4.3 test firmware leaks for Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505

While everyone is eager to get their hands on Android 4.4, plenty of people are just as eager to see Android 4.3 finally hit their respective devices. HTC has been pumping out an update to Android 4.3 to the HTC One in Canada along with the developers edition and the international unlocked version. That leaves us waiting for Samsung to get started on updating its various flagship devices. We all know Samsung is a bit meticulous about getting a new version of Android out to consumers. They tend to get things lined up to where there are as little bugs and issues as possible before mass consumption.

Samsung Galaxy S4 android 4.3 Device Info Samsung Galaxy S4 android 4.3 Keyboard Samsung Galaxy S4 I9505 android 4.3 Knox
That certainly doesn’t make us any less eager to see it happen. If you are the impatient type, then boy do we have some news for you. SamMobile has just released a leaked version of Android 4.3 for the Samsung Galaxy S4. The build number version is I9505XXUEMI8. They state that this build is really stable and has increased the performance of the S4 quite a bit. The firmware leak also has Samsung Knox and Samsung Wallet present currently. Knox apparently works just fine, but Samsung Wallet won’t download from the sammy servers just yet. Most of the goodies in the update are under the hood. It is however notable that they have improved the color reproduction and SamMobile is pleased to see it the on screen text looking even sharper. Take a quick look of it in action.


It certainly does look a bit better to us. For those of you who are interested in downloading it and running through the steps to install it, head over to SamMobile for all of that. They lay it out pretty nicely. Not that we should have to say this, but this is strictly for the GT-I9505.. Don’t even think about trying to plop this on your U.S. version. Keep your eyes peeled for updates from your favorite developers for this firmware integration. Otherwise we will keep our eyes peeled for the official update releases which are supposedly scheduled for this month or November.

Source: SamMobile