
Android 4.3 To Introduce New Notifications Service

android 4.3The digging into Android 4.3 continues and today, Kevin of TeslaCoil Software has some code that may make notifications more accessible to third-party apps. The basis for this discovery is some code that suggests that there will be provisions for apps (or ‘Notifications listeners’) to interact with notifications, i.e. not only to create them, but to read, use and get rid of them too. This suggests that a third-party app might be able do exactly what the notification menu currently does.

Furthermore, the menu, which you see above, is actually a list of unread and read notifications, where the read notifications are greyed out. Obviously this change is exciting, particularly for those apps that are able to take advantage of these notifications services, like wearable tech and launcher apps. Since the notification bar and menu is basically the last thing that has not be able to be changed or modded, hopefully we’ll be looking forward to new notification panels in Android 4.3.

If you want the full technical shakedown of this new notification service, hit the source link to get Android Police‘s run-down of it. What do you think about this new service? Let us know what you think in the comments.

Source: Android Police