
Android 4.4.4 begins roll out in India for the Moto X, G and E

Motorola has certainly been knocking things out of the park this last year and half or so. Especially when it comes to updates. While the difference between Android 4.4.3 and Android 4.4.4 is small, just some security changes, it is still an update that device owners should have as soon as possible.  The Motorola India Twitter account pushed out the news on Friday that their Moto X, Moto G and Moto E will all start to see an update to Android 4.4.4 this week in India.

They followed up with a couple of other tweets that went out this morning re-confirming that it is rolling out in stages and that the update offers up and extra layer of security while browsing the web.

Moto X Android 4.4.4
Any of our readers in India with one of the mentioned Moto devices see the update yet?

Source: Motorola India Twitter via Androidguys