
[Update] Android Browser Blows the Doors Off the iPhone – Maybe Not?

Everyone likes to go fast, since the dawn of time man has tried to set records, in just about every imaginable field, for speed. Is it a surprise that the fastest growing operating system around is faster than its rival when surfing the web?

Results from a series of tests, 45,000 to be exact, conducted by Blaze Software confirm that when compared stock for stock, Android’s browser is indeed faster than Safari running on the iPhone. Average load times for the Android browser consistently stayed around 2.1 seconds, which doesn’t seem that fast. However when compared to the iPhone’s 3.2 second load time, it’s blazing. In fact the Android browser is a full 52 percent faster than Safari. Chalk another one up for Android.

These results were ordained using a Nexus S running Android 2.3 Gingerbread, and an iPhone running 4.3. For more information regarding the results check out the Blaze Software blog.

Although these results only serve to perpetuate the constant tug-o-war between these two titans, it’s very nice to see that our little green friend kicked some iPhone butt yet again. I look forward to more tests that show Android superiority over its apple branded adversary.



It seems Blaze Software may have flopped the test, which doesn’t bode well for a new company in the making. Apparently the test was flawed due to the use of an embedded browser on the iPhone instead of the Safari browser. As you can expect Apple did not like this, stating that the optimizations in Safari were not applied to the browser they used. More news on this can be found at the following sites:


Source: Android Central via Blaze