
Android Does Europe – Shipments Increased 1580% in 2010

In case there was any doubt, more statistics have been released to show Android’s massive growth, and it’s sheer domination over competitors. We know that Android finally surpassed  Blackberry’s market share in the US this year. However according to an analysis by IDC we’ve also been dominating other parts of the world.

At the end of the fourth quarter in 2009 Android shipments in Europe were at 470,000, which by the end of 2010 had increased to 7.9 million. This being compared to Blackberry’s 4.8 million and Apple’s 5.2 million, further shows the rapid growth and increasing momentum of Android. Andy now holds 31% of the smartphone market, as opposed to the 4% from the year before.

IDC has predicted even more crazy growth over the next four years, as Android continues to invade the world.

Source: Android Central via IDC