
Android KitKat for Sprint HTC One is available for manual update from Sprint

Android KitKat for Sprint HTC OneJust yesterday, the President of HTC America, Jason Mackenzie, came out to apologize saying that the carrier versions of Android KitKat destined for the HTC One would not be making it before the end of January as originally planned due to carrier certification. How quickly things chance as today, Sprint has said on its community site that Android KitKat for Sprint HTC One is now available via “customer initiated request”.

What this actually means is for everyone who wants the update with a Sprint HTC One to manually update their phones via the Settings Menu. If you’re unsure of how to do this, Sprint has put together a nice graphic to show you exactly how (see here). If you’re simply happy to wait till you phone updates automatically, you’ll only have to wait till February 11th when Sprint says the update will roll-out to all devices.

If you are able to successfully update your phone via this method, we’d love to hear from you in the comments. Unfortunately, there has been no word yet from the other carriers, but we’re willing to bet it will likely be over the next day or so when we do.

Source: Sprint via Android Police