
Android L and Chrome OS will soon have password and pin free Personal Unlocking Ability

It shouldn’t be much of a surprise that Google I/O produced a ton of information and they only touched on most of it. During two separate parts of the keynote there were two pretty cool features that Android L offers the end user to help simplify their life, while also protecting their data. One simple way to keep your data safe on your device is with a pin or pattern unlock. I found it pretty interesting that during the keynote they said that only roughly 15% of Android users use any security lock settings. I know I don’t, it drives me nuts. For those that do use those options, there will be a new ability available to you soon that will help make things a little more, well, less stressful I suppose. The feature is called Personal Unlocking.

Personal Unlocking
Personal Unlocking will allow the device to determine if it is in a trusted environment. The feature uses locations that you designate, like your home or office. It also uses Bluetooth devices that you have on and paired, such as headsets or Android Wear watch. And even your unique voice print. During the demo you see that while he has his Android Wear watch on, his phone will not challenge him with the pattern unlock. The Personal Unlocking knows the watch is close and that it is him. Yet, when he takes the watch off and it is placed out of range, the device then prompts for the pattern. It was pretty cool to say the least you can check out the Personal Unlocking Video from the keynote at the 53:01 time stamp. It only lasts about a minute and a half.

This function, or security settings, goes past just Android L though. Later in the Keynote, Sundar Pichai, brought it up again while he was talking about the Chromebooks. Time stamp 2:08:48. When you get next to your Chromebook, it will automatically unlock and sign you in to your favorite services and applications.

Unlock Chromebook Android L
Now you can live your life and have access to your devices, but know that if they are stolen or lost, that all your primary security stops like passwords and pins/patterns will still be in place to protect you. This certainly would simplify my life and I wouldn’t mind having the added security for protection when it isn’t an inconvenience for me.

If you missed the whole keynote, we have it posted along with various other time stamp links to other cool things HERE. We also have the new Google Play Services v5.0.77 apk download too.