• News
  • 23 January, 2014

Android Push Notifications Infringe on SimpleAir Patent


Push notifications are a feature that we often hear, and don’t think twice about. If you happen to be not familiar on what push notifications are, its just those notifications you get on your device as they come in right as they arrive to whatever service you are using. If it weren’t for push notifications, the apps on your device would have to check to see if you have message or what not, has come in an interval that you would have to decide. Some apps still don’t run on push notifications due to battery drains, but Google apps have always ran on the push notification way. Now it looks like Google is going to have to pay for it.

The infringement of push notifications happen to infringe on a patent set in motion by SimpleAir. SimpleAir is seeking a $125 million payment from Google in this case, which Google asked for a mistrial. Sadly, the court determined that 5 claims found Google guilty of infringement, and will have to pay SimpleAir. The court described it as “system and method for transmission of data”, so bad luck for Google. The dollar amount that Google will have to pay SimpleAir is still yet to be determined, but we can all shake our heads in disappoint on how stupid it is. Let us know your thoughts about this.

Source: Phandroid