
Because Android Wear is so 2014: Someone has put Windows 95 on a Samsung Gear Live

Windows 95 on a Samsung Gear LiveAs part of the tech community, sometimes it is the most awe-inspiring thing to simply look back at what we have achieved over the years and how technology that exists today eclipses what we had even imagined was possible just a handful of years ago. Take Windows 95 for example – the operating system was widely lauded in its time and many of us had our whole lives running through the system. Well, 19 years after its release, someone has managed to get Windows 95 on a Samsung Gear Live. That someone is Corbin Davenport, and while it’s not the smoothest running thing (or the clearest), it is an amazing feat to see – even if Windows 95 was designed to run on much more basic systems. Check it out running in the video below:

Now practically, don’t expect everyone to go rushing and putting Windows 95 on their Gear Lives. But it does serve as a nice reminder, if just a nostalgic one, of how far our devices – even wrist wearable devices - have come over the last 20 years. If anything, it should make us appreciate Android Wear even more as it enables us to do things that we previously only dreamed of doing on our wrists, and now we’re living the dream. Tears, much?

What do you think of running Windows 95 on a Samsung Gear Live? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: YouTube via Phandroid