
[Update] Android will see its first official Pinterest app at Google I/O

We are sure more than a handful of you know and use Pinterest fairly regularly. It is basically a virtual pinboard where you can drop links to the things you love and they are instantly available for others to view. You can comment on other people spins and create a ‘board’ for various things you enjoy, like, want or simply find interesting. To many, it is just another social outlet to play around with.

For those of you that are super pinners, the lack of an Android app has been slightly irritating and annoying. One of our previous writers, Robyn Marshall, did a little post about the lack of Pinterest on Android back in September. We were all quite surprised at how many people were wanting an Android app for the service. Now, nearly a year later, it looks like Robin and all those other pin-a-holics might just see it happen.

The crew over at Ausdroid spotted a little something inside the Google I/O app sandbox that looks to be official news that Pinterest is on the way. Giving the Pinterest website, a little blurb about the service and the final sentence saying “Now available on Android.” So it looks like all your pinning dreams on Android are going to come true.

Who’s ready to start pinning on their device?

Update: Hmmm… an interesting turn of events. Seems a Pinterest rep reached out to Androidpolice and denied any such launch or announcement at Google I/O. Here is the official statement they recieved.

“We’re excited about the Android platform and are working hard on building a great app. However, we don’t have plans to announce anything @ I/O.”

We understand they can’t reach out to every blog and news source across the web to shut down the rumor, but we wonder if there is a little game going on.

Source: Ausdroid