• News
  • 19 April, 2012

AndroidStory GeekLi.st Give Away: The Android invasion

Sharing knowledge always brings more knowledge in return. This is especially true for developers that can exchange experiences, tricks, tips and code in other to help others and learn in return.

GeekLi.st, still in private beta, aims to be a hub for developers to post their achievements and ongoing projects and for companies to spot developer talent. The growing number of GeekLi.st users is also bringing in heavy weights in the developing world like Peter Heinrich who developed the first Amazon wishlist. How cool is that? 

How does it work?

After opening an account on GeekLi.st you should fill out your profile and publish your biggest achievements to date, via something called “Cards”. Did you develop a kick ass application? Did you find a new way of solving a problem? That is the kind of content you should publish in your cards.

You can also publish micros (with the option to publish them directly to Twitter)  and connect your GitHub and Instagram accounts. A cool thing about cards and micros is that you can add team members to them, giving everyone an idea of who are you working with on a specific project.

This is also about giving

A cool feature about GeekLi.st is that you can ‘High Five’ cards and micros from other users and start a dialogue. Are you curious about how someone developed something? GeekLi.st allows you to start that dialogue and learn from the masters. Who knows? You might be able to contribute to the Android app that the GeekLi.st team is developing!

The give away!

The only thing that is lacking at GeekLi.st, in our opinion, are more Android developers. To change that we have teamed up with GeekLi.st and we are giving away direct access to the private beta to this new platform.

All you have to do is to fill out the form below and we will send you an e-mail with your invite code. We only have 500 invites to give away so act quickly and spread the word to get your fellow developers in!Â