
Angry Birds for Android Cheat: Access All Locked Levels

Angry birds has quickly become my personal favorite app on my phone but also it’s the most frustratingly addictive app I have.

We all love a good challenge but for those who are quick to give up, there is a cheat out there that allows you to access locked levels without going through the each level.

Call it a spoiler if you will but technically it’s really not. You still need to unlock each level to complete the challenge. The stages and levels you skip will still need to be completed.

If you want to skip through those frustrating levels then read further.


  • Load up the game
  • Head on to the world select display
  • Place a locked world on center
  • Press the back button on your phone to exit Angry Birds
  • Load the game again.
  • Keep on tapping the Play button when it appears and you ought to be able to gain access in a while.

Note: I noticed that in order to keep the world unlocked you need to complete at least one level.

If you are more of a visual learner then follow the video below.

How far have you gotten without the cheat? Share your level and best scores in the comment area.

Still haven’t downloaded the Angry Birds app? Download it now from the Android Market by clicking or scanning the QR Code below:

Source: UberGizmo