
Angry Birds Star Wars updates, bring Hoth and Princess Leia

Rovio Mobile has released the next planetary level in the Star Wars themed Angry Birds game today. Bringing you face to face with the amazing AT-AT’s on the icy planet of Hoth. The update adds 20 new frozen levels to the mix with their own unique slippery sloped ice-covered rocks, caves and more. They also have introduce Princess Leia to the mix. She is the pink bird of course. She has an odd tractor beam style power that lets you pull pigs and material out from under everyone. It is a hard one to master that is for sure.

If you have completed all the rest of the levels, or just ready for something new, be sure to head to the Play Store and pick up the update. You can always click or scan the QR code below to get yourself going too.

Application: Angry Birds Star Wars 
Developer: Rovio Mobile Ltd.
Cost: FREE