
Anomaly 2 Helps Your Android Device Stretch Its Graphical Legs With This Benchmark App

anomaly 2One of the most striking features of the Anomaly game series from 11 bit studios is its amazing visuals, which look like they’re improving on in their next game iteration, Anomaly 2. As an initiative to help them get the most out of the “fragmented” Android community, 11 bit studios has created a benchmark app that uses the footage from their Anomaly 2 trailer to help not only you get a look at what the game will look like on your Android device, but help the developers collect performance data about how your device handles the visuals. For a taste of what the benchmark video will look like, check this out:

The benchmark app is available from Google Play now for free, and the size of the app looks to be around ~400Mb depending on your device. From inside the app, you’ll be able to choose either a low, normal, or high quality test; for reference, the high quality test gave my Note 2 a good run for its money. Once you’ve run the benchmark, you can share your score to see if your friends can beat you, and apparently will earn you a place on the Anomaly 2 credits. Not a bad deal for just watching a pretty video on your device. Oh, and hang around after the benchmark scores to see a sweet story trailer for Anomaly 2.

Anomaly 2 is due out on mobile devices this northern Fall; for more about this benchmark, check out the 11 bit studios blog here. I’m really looking forward to Anomaly 2 as I thoroughly enjoyed Anomaly: Warzone Earth, particularly its unique style of gameplay and obviously its amazing visuals. Are there any other Anomaly fans out there who are equally excited by Anomaly 2?

Application: Anomaly 2 Benchmark

Play Store Link

Price: Free